Thursday, December 03, 2009

Winning Team...Losing Team!!!!

OH MY!!!! OH MY!!!!!! Last night would rank as one of the best nights of my entire life!!! BYU vs. USU in the Spectrum!!! Can I just say I love Aggie Basketball!?!?! There is a magic that happens in that building that cannot be replicated in any way shape or form.
Now, I am not one of those crazy people that camped out over night. I am dedicated, but not that much so. Members of my group were there at 7:00 A.M. and we rotated throughout the day. We were about 50 or so people back in line outside the Spectrum. It was a long, cold wait but totally worth it.
As the doors opened, there was this mad push from the back of the line, completely crushing those of us in the front. Well, little did I know, there was a giant trash can in the way. As I got pushed by it, I got pushed into it so bad that I had no way to move. Luckily, the three guys across the garbage can from me saw what was happening and lifted me up and over the garbage can. I have some pretty sweet battle wounds to show for it too.

Once inside, the pandemonium didn't lessen. After getting enough seats for our group, we all settled in for the next hour until the start of the game. This game was one of the best I have ever seen in my life. Not only is BYU our biggest rival, they are also a bunch of egotistical, cowardly pansies I have ever seen. Not only do they refuse to play in the Spectrum for years, but they come in expecting to win! What a bunch of crap!
After being down by 3 at the half, we can back with some amazing plays, and won 71-61!!! Sweet victory!! The dream of chanting WINNING TEAM...LOSING TEAM to BYU was the best feeling in the world!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flash of Reality

This week is becoming an eye opener for the rest of my future. This is my last full week of classes...ever. Crazy I know. I start my last teaching practicum on Monday. This means in exaclty 2 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day I will start student teaching. That is a scary thought at the moment. I can't believe that I am almost done with school. It seems like just yesterday that I was graduating from high school and getting ready to move away to college.
Another eye opening experience was signing my graduation packet today with my adivisor. The next couple of months are going to fly by. I can't believe the end (and the beginning) is that close.
I am looking forward though, to getting back in the classroom. I miss the students and all the funny things they do.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh my!

Oh my, oh my!!! We are only 4 weeks into the semester and I already feel like I have been hit by a semi truck. I now understand why the education program at USU is ranked so high in the nation. I am so overwhelmed and stressed, but I am going to be one of the most prepared first year teachers EVER!
This semester is what we call our block, or methods, classes. I have 5 main block class (science, language arts, social studies, math, and instruction for struggling readers). I am also taking intermediate classroom management. For the main 5 I switch between two different classrooms, that are right next to each other. I am in class with the same 26 other people and the classes are all 3 hours and 15 minutes long. I know what you are's really not as bad as it seems (except Tuesday's when I sit in the same classroom for almost 7 hours straight).
My favorite class of the week is the social studies class. I have never enjoyed social studies more. It is amazing!!! I love the way the professor teaches the class, by example and doing the lessons with us, instead of just telling us about how to teach.
My least favorite class of the block is the struggling readers class. Now, I have come to two is that I just have a bad attitude about the class and go already dreading it or two...the class is just boring, uninteresting, not pertinent half the time, and once again, BORING!!
Now, my one special class of the week...intermediate classroom management. This is a special class because I seem to have a talent for ticking the teacher off. I refuse to call her a professor because she is only a Ph. D. student and man does she act like it!! She is the brattiest, rudest, and crappiest teacher I have ever had. She drives me crazy!! When I asked her if she would be able to post her powerpoints online, her response was "No! I am new to teaching this class and I don't finish preparing my lessons until noon the day of your class. If you were in the wednesday class, that may be possible, but not for this one!" As if, I had asked her the most ridiculous question on the face of the earth. The next week she said the reading would be posted online by wednesday morning, and as of wednesday night at 11:30 pm, the readings were not there. So I emailed her. The next morning the email back read... "If you want to read at your own pace, buy the book." That was it! How rude!!!
Now, as I sit here, I am venting and letting all my thoughts run out on paper (well, being typed), it feels so good I realize that I am so glad to be graduating and being done! Yay for spring semester!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school

Today was the first day of classes and for the first time in a long time, I felt completely terrified. It was that, first day of first grade feeling all over again. I am entering into the world of the unexpected. This semester is all about learning how to teach, all my methods courses. Next semester, student teaching and graduation. I can not express in appropriate words how terrified I am of that idea. I was on campus, camped out in front of the elementary education advising office at 6 AM this morning. Oh, the things we do for our education. There are a limited number of spots open to student teach in Cache Valley and they place us on a first come first serve bases. So, all of us crazy students lined up to put in our applications. I then proceed to orientaion and my first class. I walked away feeling only slightly less overwhelmed than I had this morning. We'll see what the rest of the first week brings. Each day is different so I still have no idea what I am getting into!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Catch up...

Because school is starting in a little over a week (not counting Connections week), it has made me stop and ponder over what I have done this summer. I have come to the conclusion that this has by far been one of the best summers of my life, if not the best.
Last night, as I was lying in a gravel parking lot with a rock sticking into my back, getting cold, I realized that I was 100% happy and content with life. I loved the fact that every time we saw a shooting star, every one's hands shot into the air and we all "oh"ed and "aw"ed together. I loved just being there with everyone. I thought about each person there and all the memories I have with them. It was slightly overwhelming. I have been so blessed to be surrounded by such great people and friends.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Last week I had the opportunity to take a much needed vacation to Chicago. What an amazing city with an amazing history! I got to go to a Cubs game at wrigley field, hit the tourist attractions like the Sears (Willis Tower), the aquarium and planetrium, Navy Pier, and everything else Chicago has to offer. I had to favorites to this trip. The first being the baseball game. There is just something about sitting in a baseball park eating a hotdog that is just so American and creates the warm fuzzies. My second favorite thing was the architectural tour up the Chicago River. I loved hearing the history behind the buildings and what makes them all so significant. Besides getting hit on by the old homeless guy and getting lost a couple of times, it was the best time ever.
I learned so much about the city itself, along with the architecture and what makes it all so unique. I also learned alot about myself. First off, I know now that it doesn't matter where in the world I am, I have the crappiest sense of direction EVER and don't let me judge the distances on a map. I'm not very good at that either. Second off, I am a small town girl at heart. By the end of the trip I had finally figured out how the trains stops worked and stuff, but there is no way I could deal with that every day. It would drive me insane! I also couldn't handle having to deal with the pigeons. 4 days was enough of that. Give me a small, Utah town any day. Third, I could never live with the humidity. I am way to used to the dry air we have here.
What a great vacation and I am so glad Daphne asked me to go!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple

Yesterday, some friends and I went down to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house in South Jordan, UT. This is the second time I have had the opportunity to go through this open house. It amazes me how beautiful these buildings (all temples in general) are on the inside and out. There is so much to see and that makes me grateful I had another opportunity to go through. One of the things I noticed the second time through was that confirmation rooms by the baptismal font have glass doors and giant windows. I have never seen this before in a temple. Second thing I noticed this time too is the art work, not only what is there, but where it is placed. It all has significance and symbolism as to where it is put. A third thing I noticed was how open the temple is. I saw all the glass walls and stuff before, but I didn't realize how open and spacious it makes the temple. The building itself is not very large, but it looks larger from the inside.

There were so many people there this time around. It was like a solid wall of people the entire time. It's great to see members and non-members alike coming out to see this magnificent building. I love to see the temple and I'm (really) going there someday.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What I missed

Last summer I worked for the same group on campus that I am working for this summer running the new student orientation program at Utah State. There is one big difference between the two summers however. Last year, I moved home to Tooele and drove back and forth between Tooele and Logan and three a month, camping on people's couches all the time. This year I stayed in Logan. I don't I ever realized what I was missing last year by moving home.

Last night, some of the A-team members met on the Quad after dark, spreading out blankets, decked out with food and music to watch the stars come out. There were only 8 or 9 of us, but it was so much fun. We joked and played around, contemplated skinny wading in the fountains, and attempted to play a game of Truth or Dare. Now these are only litttle things, but these are the things I missed out on last year, the bonding moments we have.

Last Saturday a couple of the girls I work with came over and we watched "He's Just Not that Into You" (wonderful movie by the way) and sat and talked to hours. This is another thing I missed out on previously. There is nothing like discussing girly subjects like weddings, pregnancy, boys, and babies (not necessarily in that order) for hours on end while eating pizza in my living room.

It amazes me how Heavenly Father puts us in the places we need to be and when we need to be there. I know that I was supposed to stay in Logan this summer and be here to let these little moments be wonderful to me.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

My Adventures!

The past couple of days have been filled with one "adventure" after the other. Now, before I start I need to explain the definition of "adventure" that is being used here. It means "anything Jess, Alyssa, Alex, Kyler, and Josh do together".
Saturday, Alex came up to spend the weekend with Alyssa and I. Our first adventure was visiting Alyssa at work and shopping. Alex and I spent quite a while at the mall and went window shopping in almost every store.
Sunday was the big adventure!! The five of us loaded in my car at 10:00 that morning armed with church clothes, church music, and food, ready to embark on the 2 hour drive to the beautiful Star Valley Wyoming. Now, I had no idea where I was going so it was a good thing Kyler was with us (considering he is from there himself). We went to Laken Kennington's farewell (which was excellent by the way) and then hopped in the car to head home. Part of this adventure was stopping by Kyler's house to pick up some car tires for his car. After some amazing tetris skills displayed by all in the group, we managed to get them in. Then we started back through the rain. As we hit the canyon, we were all pretty tired of church music so we whipped out the Disney songs. Who doesn't love Disney music? We held our own little sing along, blasting it all the way down the canyon.
Monday was another day full of fun new adventures...We tackled the Willow Park swing set. I haven't been on a swing in FOREVER! We had a blast. We even took it to the point of having contests to see who could jump the farthest. The five of us then proceeded to play frisbee for an hour and a half. To end the morning adventures Josh and Alex attempt to climb a tree but that didn't work to well for them. We ended our adventure sitting on the front steps of the guys apartment watching the lighting put on a show for us and playing name that tune while Josh played the guitar. This is one of those weekends where you had a blast, would do it again in a heart beat, but it's nice to be home, sitting around doing nothing, just to reenergize...

Monday, May 18, 2009

A-team Awesomeness

This past Thursday through Saturday was the A-team's second retreat of the year and I just have to say that it was amazing!! (but I really didn't expect anything different). I enjoyed every minute of it- everything from scary canyons and vowing to never go up Green Canyon to volleyball to watching others puke up orange soda (unhealthy and disgusting yes, but somehow entertaining).
This year I was fortunate enough to be on the winning Olympics team (Never Back Down '09!!). We had a couple of set backs with the Quiz Bowl and the Egg Toss, but rocked it up during the relay race and the egg drop. However, our ultimate win was the ice cream sculpture. The brilliant idea from Mason Andersen of "(physics)" is what got us the title. With winning came the cold water down the back from Bri. Well, the sad thing about this was I have known that is was coming for almost two months now and it still surprised me.
The A-team has never really been an emotional group, but this group changed that in a big hurry at retreat. During "60 Seconds O' Love" I think most people shed tears or got a little misty eyed. This has bonded us emotionally. What a great group!
Anywho, the rest of our weekend consisted of volleyball, more volleyball, smelling like campfire, and more smelling like campfire, eating and more eating. There was also some bouncy ball action (until it broke) and some personality analysis in there as well.
Applying for the A-team is the best decision I have made since coming to college. I can't imagine what my life would be like without it and I pretty much know that I would have no social life without it. I can't wait for SOAR to start

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


So this week because I have no place to live, I packed up my stuff and headed back to grand ole Tooele. Well, for the first time since I moved out almost two years ago, I feel like I have left "home" to go "home." I have decided there are two definitions of "home" for me. The first would be, of course, where my family and house is. That would be Tooele. This is what I have considered "home" for the past 18 years of my life. Now, I have a seperate definition of "home" and that would be where I want to be, where I live, and where I am happiest. This would be Logan. Now don't get me wrong, I love being home with my family and (I know I will regret saying this later) I love Tooele, but Logan is my home, plain and simple. This is the place my life revolves around now. This is where I go to school. This is where I work. This is where I eat and sleep. This is where my social life is now.
For the first time, I am sitting in Tooele, wishing for no particular reason, that I was in Logan. I used to think about everything I was missing in Tooele, now I am thinking about all the things I am missing in Logan. It's funny how life does that to you isn't? I've only been in Tooele for a little over 60 hours and I am already ready to go "home".

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

LIfe's Simplicity

So right now, my elementary ed. practicum is in a second grade classroom. I never thought I would want to teach students that young. I was always headed for the upper grades (4-6), but now I am not so sure. I absolutely love those kids. They have a way of making life so simple. Nothing is complicated to them, everything roles right off there backs. I see more smiles in one day in that classroom and hear more laughter and giggles, than I do on campus in a month. These students share happiness with everyone around them. And all this makes me wonder, what happens to us as we grow up? What makes us lose that?
A couple of weeks ago, after a big rain storm, I had a couple of girls walk into the classroom and pull a handful of worms out of their pockets. They wanted a cup to put them in and were totally fascinated by these worms. What happens to that curiosity and fascination?
I think that is why I am so drawn to the classroom. Being around kids like this make me feel like I have a little bit of that back. Growing up shouldn't mean losing this outlook on life.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Things I love...

Because yesterday was Valentine's Day, I thought I would share the things that I love in my life!
There are so many things I am loving at the moment...
*The A-team and all its wonderfulness
*The snow we got yesterday and last makes everything so pretty and white.
*My roommates!! I couldn't have anyone better!!
*Aggie Basketball!!! Even though they lost last night, I still love them all!!!
*My church calling: I love being the ward grandma.
*My future roomies (if we ever find some where to live!)
*My family, enough said.