Saturday, October 27, 2012

My dream is to...

A few days ago, I gave my students a writing assignment title "My dream is to..." I left it really open ended and wanted them to  get creative. I had everything from "My dream is to live like a princess in a castle in a land far, far away" to "My dream is to own all the Legos in the world" and "My dream is to have a horse of my very own to ride whenever I want to." They then had to write three paragraphs of why this was their dream.

One students assignment stuck out to me however. "My dream is to get married and be a mom." I really wish I had copied her paper before handing it back to her.  It wasn't the most beautifully written assignment I have ever seen but it spoke to my heart. She wants to get married in the Provo temple because that's where her mom and dad got married and it would make Jesus happy. She wants to be a mom because she "gets good practice taking care of her little brother and it's fun." Her third reason was because she wants to be like her mom.

As I read this assignment, I couldn't help but cry a little. How often have I said almost this exact same thing?

My dream is to...

  • DATE!! (First things first, right?)
  • Get married in the temple (Honestly don't care which one.)
  • Wait a couple of years to have kids (Let's get used to each other before having to get used to someone else)
  • Have kids (Honestly don't care how many)
  • Live in a house that I can decorate, and clean, and cook in- all the time (preferably with a white picket fence and a garden, but that is negotiable)  
  • Be the worlds best "PTA/Soccer/Dance/Baseball/Scout/Whatever-else-my-kids-want-to-do Mom" (I don't mind be a taxi driver- car conversations are the best kind)
  • Make the worlds best cupcakes (my sister already has the cookie market cornered)
  • Eat dinner together every night (even if it's hard and is leftovers)
  • Watch the kids go off to college  and missions (and wherever they feel like they need to go)
  • Grow old together sitting on the front porch swing holding hands with my husband (preferably with a view of the sunset, but again, negotiable)
But for now, I will settle for single and a great 4th grade teacher of 30 kids I love seeing every day (even if it means living in Provo...)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dear Boys #5

Dear Cowboy,
Fake potatoes. Not cool.

Dear Fish Lake,
I have been as bold as I dare be...any time now would be great. Thanks.

Dear Elder,
So proud of you! Keep up the good work, little brother!
Big Sis

Dear Middle Man,
Thanks for being such a great friend. My boy drama wouldn't be nearly as exciting without having you to share it with. (And I kinda love your girl drama...)