I stole this from my good friend Alyssa Craig
Ten Things I wish I could say to 10 Different People (but don't say their name):
1. You are a great person, but I can only take you in small doses.
2. If any one is going to the celestial kingdom, it is you.
3. Sometimes your intensity scares me and I don't ever know how to respond to you.
4. I miss you (a lot) but I am scared for the day you come home.
5. I am really glad you became my friend because no one really gets me like you do.
6. If you don't want my opinion, don't ask for it.
7. I really wish I knew you better...there has to be a flaw there somewhere, but all I see is perfection.
8. Please don't feel sorry for me. Pity does not become you well.
9. I know you are just teasing, but it kind of hurts when you make fun of my age.
10. Thank you for understanding my obsession with Utah State...especially basketball.
Nine Things About Myself:
1. I am loud- I talk loud, I laugh loud.
2. I try and pretend to be outgoing, but really, talking to people I don't know really freaks me out.
3. I am somewhat obsessive about my jewelry. I always wear my watch, my CTR ring, my class ring, and earrings.
4. I don't like it to be quiet...I almost always have music or the TV on, even if I am not paying attention.
5. Generally, I don't find awkward silences awkward and I won't talk just to fill a silence.
6. I don't like things on my feet (socks, shoes) or people touching my feet.
7. I have a HUGE sweet-tooth.
8. I love to cook, but I HATE doing dishes.
9. I take way to many pictures of everything.
Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
1. Be comfortable in the outdoors- hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, etc
2. Carry on a conversation- talk and listen
3. Stand up for what he believes
4. Sense of humor, able to make me laugh
5. Athleticism...at least enough to be comfortable watching the game with me
6. This may sound bad but, be at least 6' 1" I find it really awkward when I am the taller one.
7. Being ok with my super awkward, clumsy moments- laugh at them with me
8. Getting along with my family, especially my siblings, and my friends
Seven Things That Cross my Mind a Lot:
1. Oh, crap!
2. I can't believe I just said that!
3. I can not stay in Provo forever (or I have to get out of here!)
4. hahahaha!! (I laugh inside a lot during the day...I am not supposed to laugh at my students, but they make it too easy :)
5. How do I fit everything in today?
6. Clever and witty things that I never think of at the right time.
7. Things I need to get at the store, but never remember to write on my grocery list
Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Make a list of what I need to do tomorrow
2. Take out contacts
3. Wash my face/take off make-up
4. Brush my teeth
5. Put on chapstick
6. Pray.
Five People Who Mean A Lot:
1. Mom and Dad (I am cheating and lumping them together)
2. Katie
3. Marcus
4. Jessi
5. Molly
Four Things I'm Wearing:
1. gym shorts
2. spandex shorts
3. t-shirt
4. socks
Three Songs I Listen to Often:
1. Just a Kiss- Lady Antebellum (A new song, but I have completely fallen in love with it)
2. Chances- Five for Fighting
3. Singing in the Rain/Umbrella- Glee cast ( am not a big glee fan, but I love this mix)
Two Things I Want to do Before I Die:
1. Visit all 50 states
2. Learn to water ski ( I have tried multiple times, but it always seems to end badly)
One Confession
Even though I always complain about my social life, I have days where I just don't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, be with anyone, I call them my anti-social days. I just don't feel like have to be around people. I am much more content to read or watch a movie by myself.
That was A LOT harder than I thought it was going to be...
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