Sunday, July 28, 2013

Because We Can See

The topic in Sacrament meeting today was obedience. One of the sisters that spoke used one of my favorite quotes of all time.

"We are not obedient because we are blind, we are obedient because we can see." 
(Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, May 1983)

I love this quote. Often times, I think people see the commandments and "rules" of the Gospel as holding them back. They don't let you "have fun" or are too restrictive. God just wants to control us and dictate what we can and cannot do.

Not so.

He gives us these commandments and "rules" because He loves us. As we live them, we see the blessings that come from doing so.

Sometimes they are direct blessings. You pay your tithing and somehow, miraculously have enough money to pay all the bills that month.

Sometimes they are indirect blessings. You don't see a specific outcome, but things just go better or you find the answer you were looking for  or maybe you don't see it at all until you look back and think, "Huh, that WAS a blessing..."

We know the desired outcome. We have been given the way to get there, but it is up to us to do it.

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