Hey, Hey Good Lookin'
I can't stop thinking about you...so I made shepherd's pie.
Love, Jess
Dear Shorty,
Just because there is a goalie doesn't mean I can't score!
Love, Jess
Dear Middle Man,
Glad you lived.
Love, Jess
Dear Shawn,
Flirt buddy=ok
Serious dating= NOT OK
Love, Gus
Dear John Wayne,
If only you were about 8 inches taller...*sigh*
Love, Jess
Dear John Wayne,
If only you were about 8 inches taller...*sigh*
Love, Jess
Dear Dr. Seuss,
You are good for her.
Love, Jess
Dear Gentlemen,
Just a hint: Girls talk.
Open her door on the date, her friends know about it.
Don't open her door on the date, her friends know about it.
Do something great, her friends know about it.
Do something not so great, her friends know about it.
Choose wisely.
Love, Jess
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