Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dear Boys #28

I have had a really hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words this week. I am apologizing now if this makes absolutely no sense at all.

Sunday I went to Church with my sister. It was her ward's conference and a member of the Stake Presidency taught the Relief Society lesson. In typical fashion, the lesson was a dating/marriage lesson. At first, I just rolled my eyes and sat back to half-heartedly listen. BUT, this was one of the best dating/marriage lessons I have heard in a long time. It really made me think.

He started out by having us list the "qualities" we look for in our future husband. Someone who: honors the Preisthood, values the temple, honest, respectful, good with children, sense of humor, attractive, patient, hard worker, etc. Then he asked what our "red flags" are. Things like: lazy, easy to anger, addictions (video games, drugs, workaholic, pornography), etc. One girl said, "How does he treat those who can do nothing for him in return?"

As I got thinking about this list, that seems pretty demanding. Almost unrealistic. But then I thought about a certain group of guys I know who live up to pretty much every single one of those things. (Not only are they all EXTREMELY attractive, but they are just GOOD guys all the way around. I really wouldn't mind dating ANY of them but that is just getting off topic.) They have given me hope in the male gender. 

Today's Dear Boys is a shout out to all those who DO live up to those expectations.

Dear Gentlemen, 

Thank you. I know girls can be kind of demanding, and critical, and crazy, and unrealistic at times. But thank you for doing what you should be doing. 

We watch you. All the time. And trust me, we notice things. 

We notice when you walk up to a complete stranger to help her carry heavy water jugs across the soccer field. 

We notice when you won't let us take the trash out to the dumpster alone because it is dark and not a very good neighborhood. 

We notice when you open building and car doors for us even when it's not a date. 

We notice when you carry things out to our car for us because it is heavy and we didn't even have to ask you to. 

We notice when you give up your seat on the couch so we don't have to sit on the floor in a skirt. 

We notice when you step up and give a Priesthood blessing even though you aren't our home teacher and it happens to be an especially inconvenient time for you. 

We notice when you are extremely excited (almost giddy) to have a ticket to attend the Priesthood session of General Conference live at the Conference Center. 

We notice when you show great care and compassion to your roommate who is having a hard time.

We notice and it reminds us that there are good guys out there who will step up and be the Sons of God Heavenly Father intended for them to be.

Love, Jess

1 comment:

  1. Jess, I LOVE this one!!! It's true there are still really good guys out there who are doing what they should be doing. Date one of those gentlemen! haha But really this is great.
