Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dear Boys #31

Dear 21, 
Scruff, yes please! Faux-hawk, not loving it.
Love, Jess

Dear Boys, 
Hold it together. 
Love, Jess

Dear Tierra, 
Don't worry, I'm not trying to steal your sparkle.
Love, Jess

Dear Dr. Seuss, 
Well done, Sir. Well done.
Love, Jess

Dear Shawn,
Apparently I can hold a pretty decent conversation when half asleep.
Love, Gus

Dear Dead-man Walking,
I'm glad you lived.
Love, Jess

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dear Boys #30

Dear HLC,
Suck, girl! Suck!
Love, Jess
PS- Are we going to need to do a finger check soon?

Dear BOY,
I think the beard is a keeper.
Love, Jess

Dear Boys,
My advice for Saturday...WIN!
Love, Your biggest fan

Hey, Hey Good-lookin'
'Cause I try and try to forget you [boy],
But it's just so hard to do,
Every time you do that thing you do 
Love, Jess

Dear Captain America, 
(This is my brain every time I try and talk to you.)
Love, Jess

Dear Children,
I love you all, but I REALLY need this break.
Love, Miss Jensen

Saturday, November 23, 2013


I have kind of been in a blogging slump lately. I haven't really been feeling the Dear Boys nor have I felt like I had anything really worthwhile to share. I am sure many of you have seen the "number game" being passed around Facebook right now. For some reason, I really don't like the idea of doing it on Facebook but am totally ok with doing it here. So I am picking the number 10 for myself.

1. I don't like the quiet. I have to have music playing or the TV on. Whether I am really paying attention to it or not is another story, but there has to be background noise.

2. I LOVE the outdoors. 4-wheeling is my favorite, but hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting fit the bill too. I would rather be doing something outside than just about anything else. Put me in the mountains and I am completely happy.

3. I really enjoy sports. I always enjoyed watching them with my dad growing up, but ever since going to Utah State I have really fallen in love. Anything Utah State (most importantly basketball) and anything MLB. I love baseball.

4. I am a people watcher. Black Friday shopping? Couldn't care less about the sales, but the crazy people?? Yes please!! Any large group of people and I often get distracted watching those around me.

5. Yes, my hair is naturally curly. That seems to surprise people. I haven't always loved it. In fact, it's only been in the last couple of years that I have learned to really enjoy it. Now it is my preference. I hardly ever straighten it.

6. I am definitely a leader, not a follower. I like to be in charge. Not because I am power hungry, but because I know things will be done right well.

7. I have a hard time saying no. I don't like to disappoint people.

8. I love to read. But most of all, I love to reread books I have already read. Weird, I know. I love reading something that I already know what is going to happen and still getting completely wrapped up in the emotions. I love seeing signs of what is coming and know what they are leading up to. (Just as an example, I have read the entire The Work and the Glory series 8 times, the entire Harry Potter series 6 times and the first one 12.)

9. My favorite hobbies make me sound like an 80-year-old woman. I love puzzles. (As in I own more than 20, not counting ones I have finished and framed.) I love to cross-stitch. I find it relaxing yet challenging. And I love mind-puzzles... word searches, crossword puzzles, suduko, and dot-to-dots (yes they come in books, very complicated, and many varieties).

10. I am NOT an animal person. My idea of the perfect pet is a plant.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Failure in the Home

Teaching is hard. I firmly believe it is one of the hardest jobs a person can do. There are no breaks. It is mentally and physically exhausting every day. It is very, very public. Nothing ever seems good enough. And the future of the world depends on it. 

Friday I sat in a meeting listening to what will be required of teachers (by legislation) within the coming years. Things like how lessons have to be planned and executed, how evaluations and merit pay are going to work, etc. It was quite unnerving and upsetting. Afterwards my team was discussing the reasons behind all of this and it all came down to one thing. FAILURE IN THE HOME. Satan has been attacking homes and families from the very first day. And he is succeeding! The break down of the home not only has eternal consequences in a spiritual way, but it greatly affects society and civilization today.

Teachers no longer teach academics. We teach how to treat one another kindly. We teach how to speak to one another civilly. We teach how to be responsible. We teach how to be clean and organized. We teach how to think before we speak. We teach how to work hard and hopefully not to take the easy way out. We teach them what it is like to have someone care about them. We teach them how to listen and how to be listened too. We teach them everything they should be learning at home. (And maybe after all of that, we teach them how to do math and reading.)

President David O. McKay (9th President and Prophet of the Church) once said, "The greatest work we will ever do will be within the walls of our home."

So today I beg you, down on my knees, to do this work.

Take notice of your children. 
Teach them. 
Teach them to work...make them work.
Teach them to love by example.
Teach them to serve. 
Teach them to listen.
Teach them to care about others.
**(Amendment): Teach them with some tough love. Tell them no. Show them there are consequences to their actions.

Read with them, play with them, listen to them, spend time with them. 

LOVE them. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dear Boys #29

Dear Dead-man Walking,
Yes, I am a sentimental old fool. 
So what if I cried a little??
It's just good to have you back.
Love, Jess
(And that smile! Mmm-hmm!!)

Hey, Hey, Good-Lookin'
How did this happen to me again??
Love, Jess

Dear A,
#howdoigetagirl #justlikethat
Love, Jess

Dear Captain America,
I would be willing to become more than an 
objective third party with no personal interest in the matter...
just sayin'...
Love, Jess

Dear Johnny Cash,
Apparently it is just not supposed to be 
Love, June

Dear Boys,
You make everything in my life a little bit better.
Here's to the next 5 months!
Make them good ones!!
Love, Your biggest fan

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dear Boys #28

I have had a really hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words this week. I am apologizing now if this makes absolutely no sense at all.

Sunday I went to Church with my sister. It was her ward's conference and a member of the Stake Presidency taught the Relief Society lesson. In typical fashion, the lesson was a dating/marriage lesson. At first, I just rolled my eyes and sat back to half-heartedly listen. BUT, this was one of the best dating/marriage lessons I have heard in a long time. It really made me think.

He started out by having us list the "qualities" we look for in our future husband. Someone who: honors the Preisthood, values the temple, honest, respectful, good with children, sense of humor, attractive, patient, hard worker, etc. Then he asked what our "red flags" are. Things like: lazy, easy to anger, addictions (video games, drugs, workaholic, pornography), etc. One girl said, "How does he treat those who can do nothing for him in return?"

As I got thinking about this list, that seems pretty demanding. Almost unrealistic. But then I thought about a certain group of guys I know who live up to pretty much every single one of those things. (Not only are they all EXTREMELY attractive, but they are just GOOD guys all the way around. I really wouldn't mind dating ANY of them but that is just getting off topic.) They have given me hope in the male gender. 

Today's Dear Boys is a shout out to all those who DO live up to those expectations.

Dear Gentlemen, 

Thank you. I know girls can be kind of demanding, and critical, and crazy, and unrealistic at times. But thank you for doing what you should be doing. 

We watch you. All the time. And trust me, we notice things. 

We notice when you walk up to a complete stranger to help her carry heavy water jugs across the soccer field. 

We notice when you won't let us take the trash out to the dumpster alone because it is dark and not a very good neighborhood. 

We notice when you open building and car doors for us even when it's not a date. 

We notice when you carry things out to our car for us because it is heavy and we didn't even have to ask you to. 

We notice when you give up your seat on the couch so we don't have to sit on the floor in a skirt. 

We notice when you step up and give a Priesthood blessing even though you aren't our home teacher and it happens to be an especially inconvenient time for you. 

We notice when you are extremely excited (almost giddy) to have a ticket to attend the Priesthood session of General Conference live at the Conference Center. 

We notice when you show great care and compassion to your roommate who is having a hard time.

We notice and it reminds us that there are good guys out there who will step up and be the Sons of God Heavenly Father intended for them to be.

Love, Jess

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Dear Boys #27/Wednesday Wonderfuls #4

I haven't done a Wednesday Wonderfuls in a long time and let's face it, there is a lot that is wonderful in life right now.

Luke Bryan Concert. What else needs to be said. AMAZING!!

 General Conference was wonderful, as usual. I always feel like everything is exactly what I need to hear. This time I got to spend both days (Saturday and Sunday) with some great friends hanging out and eating lots of good food. 
A few weeks ago I was able to attend a conference for my job and we stayed in the most amazing hotel room ever! It made me feel slightly guilty to be sitting in my jetted tub knowing my fellow teachers had to go to work the next day...

Now on to some Dear Boys!!

Dear MGM,
Mischief managed.
Love, Jess

Dear B,
You keep catching me by surprise.
Love, Jess

Hey, Hey Good Lookin'
Why must you torture me with your wonderfulness?
Love, Jess

Dear Captain America, 
I think we have had more awkward moments that good ones...
Love, Jess

Dear A,
I could get used to this.
Love, Jess
PS- You smell HEAVENLY!

Dear Flirty Meesen,
We are pretty cool.
Love, Grandma

Dear Boys,
16 days. I think I might make it. 16 days.
Love, Your biggest fan

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Dear Boys #26

Hey, Hey Good Lookin'
I can't stop thinking about I made shepherd's pie.
Love, Jess

Dear Shorty,
Just because there is a goalie doesn't mean I can't score!
Love, Jess

Dear Middle Man,
Glad you lived.
Love, Jess

Dear Shawn,
Flirt buddy=ok
Serious dating= NOT OK
Love, Gus

Dear John Wayne,
If only you were about 8 inches taller...*sigh*
Love, Jess

Dear Dr. Seuss, 
You are good for her.
Love, Jess

Dear Gentlemen, 
Just a hint: Girls talk. 
Open her door on the date, her friends know about it.
Don't open her door on the date, her friends know about it.
Do something great, her friends know about it.
Do something not so great, her friends know about it.
Choose wisely.
Love, Jess

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dear Boys #25

Dear Captain America,
Love, Jess

Hey, Hey Good Lookin'
Well, I feel sheepish... but no more freebies!
Love, Jess

Dear Barbie and Ken, 
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
Love, Jess 

Dear Middle Man, 
Keep a sharp eye out.
Love, Hitch

Dear B,
I'm thinking yes. Definitely yes.
Love, Jess

Dear Picasso,
Hmm.... Maybe. Maybe not. 
But more likely maybe.
Love, Jess

Dear Lovely Ladies, 
We need to keep this a weekly thing.
Love, Jess

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Your Custom Made Smile

I was struggling to find the motivation to write a Sunday post today, but really felt like I should. Then I went to ward prayer (a meeting Sunday nights in young single adult wards meant as a chance to start the week off with a spiritual thought and prayer for the ward).

The spiritual thought was shared by a young man who had the chance to meet with Sister Elaine S. Dalton (previous General Young Women's president). She talked to them about how each of us has a "custom made smile." 

We each have a chance to make a difference in the world, right here, right now. To support this thought, the young man shared the story of Esther from the Old Testament. 

When King Ahasuerus of Persia was looking for a new queen, he asked that all the fair young women of the kingdom come to the palace. Mordecai, a Jew who served in the palace, brought his niece, Esther. She was beautiful, and “the king loved Esther above all the women” (Esth. 2:17). She became his new queen.
The king placed a man named Haman over all the princes in his kingdom and ordered all the servants to bow before Haman. Mordecai refused to bow. This angered Haman, and when he discovered that Mordecai was a Jew, he decided to destroy all of the Jews.
Haman told the king that there was a people in his land who would not obey the laws and who, therefore, should be destroyed. The king agreed and offered a reward to those who would kill the Jews.
Esther and Mordecai realized that to save their people, Esther would have to go before the king and plead for them. This was a dangerous thing to do, because no one was to go before the king without being called. Esther asked that her people fast and pray for three days for her.
The fasting and prayers of her people gave the queen the courage to do what she needed to do. When she told the king of the wickedness of Haman, the king had him destroyed instead of Esther and her people.
I firmly believe each one of us has the power to accomplish something great at any moment in our lives. We are lead by the Holy Ghost to help those around us that are in need. Whether it be a simple hello, holding the door open, taking a meal to someone, helping someone move, being a good listener, or a shoulder to cry on. It may be that you are placed in a calling specifically to help someone grow or learn. You may be a roommate to someone who needs your love, support, and patience. It may be something you are recognized for or something you never realize you did. BUT YOU DID IT.

So, wear your custom smile, be yourself, and make a difference. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dear Boys #24

Dear Captain America,
Speaking as a completely objective third party observer with absolutely no personal interest in the matter...
Love, Jess

Hey, Hey Good Lookin'
I don't need to flirt with you. 
I will seduce you with my awkwardness...and sound effects. 
Love, Jess

Dear Captain, 
I feel better knowing that your real parents are just as upset as I am.
Love, Mother

Dear B, 
There may be something there that wasn't there before.
Love, Jess

Dear Barbie and Ken,
I just don't understand...
Love, Jess

Dear Single Boys Everywhere,
Just sayin'...
Love, Miss Jensen

Thursday, September 05, 2013


I have been in one of those "what is wrong with me, why don't I have a boyfriend" moods lately. You know, that ugly spiral of self-doubt. 

So, I decided to go to the temple. I needed something to break the cycle. (Eventually I will get used to having a smart phone and learn to take pictures of just imagine the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.)

When I walked out, I was greeted by this BEAUTIFUL rainbow. 

My spirits were definitely lifted.

On my way out, I passed this little Ma & Pa diner that I have driven by every time I go to the temple for the past three years. I always think, "One day I will stop and eat there." Well, today I did. Best burger I have had in a long time!! (Again, just picture a really good looking burger and a pile of fresh cut fries.) I don't know why, but it just made me feel better. It didn't even bother me that I was sitting there by myself! It fact, it was kind of nice.

As I was driving home, I thought about 1 Nephi 1:20, "...But behold, I, Nephi will show unto your that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto deliverance."

I am so grateful I have a Heavenly Father who loves me enough to send me a rainbow and some wonderful food to make me smile on a day when I definitely needed it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dear Boys #23

Dear Captain America,
I am seriously considering this...
Love, Jess

Hey, Hey Good Lookin'
I work up all that courage to say something and you don't even show up.
Love, Jess

Dear Middle Man, 
What would I do without our little chats?
Love, Hitch

Dear Children, 
I think we are going to be ok.
Love, Miss Jensen

Dear Elder, 
11 (maybe 10) more Fast Sundays.
Love, Big Sis

Dear Mrs. Batman,
You will be great!!! 
Just remember to breath. You are bigger than they are.
Love, Miss Jensen

Extra thought for today:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Boys #22

Hey, Hey, Good Lookin'
Pick me!! Pick me!!! 
Love, Jess

Dear Middle Man, 
The fact that you know a secret I don't is KILLING me.
Love, Hitch

Dear Boys, 
When Shawn shows up, I promise she isn't trying to be creepy.
Love, Your Biggest Fan

Dear Shawn,
Love, Gus

Dear Children, 
Ready or not, here you come.
Love, Miss Jensen

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Have I Done Any Good?

Guys, I love service. 

Yesterday, my ward had a joint Elder's Quorum/Relief Society service "activity."  We helped out around the grounds of the local cemetery. When that was first suggested, I thought that was kind of strange. What could a bunch of young single adults do at a cemetery that could make a difference? 

Turns out, a lot.

All we did was rake up leaves, fallen branches, etc, but I LOVED it!! 

They had three funerals today at this particular cemetery. One was just getting over as we got there, one was just starting as we left, and one was going to be later in the afternoon.

Our area has had some heavy winds lately and there was quite the mass of sticks, leaves, and branches around the area for the last funeral. That is where we focused most of our efforts. As I was raking and picking up this stuff, I got thinking about the family of this loved one.  They probably wouldn't notice how nice it looked now that we cleaned it all up, but, they probably would have noticed what a mess it was had we not picked it up. On a day that is hard enough as is, we had the chance to make it a little nicer.

As we were leaving, one of the guys mentioned that what we did in 2 hours is the equivalent to one persons entire work week. 40 hours of labor. We just cut an entire weeks worth of work so they can do something else. 

Plus, who doesn't love that warm tingly feeling of doing something good for someone else?

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Dear Boys #21

Dear Mr. Bingley, 
Your gentleman-ness is greatly appreciated.
Love, Jess

Hey, Hey, Good Lookin'
Do you have juice pouches...and Rocky?
Love, Jess
P.S. If you would stop being so darn cute and charming all the time, 
I wouldn't have this problem.

Dear Barbie and Ken, 
You are pushing the "stupid married people" line.
Love, Jess

Dear Johnny Cash, 
If only I could think of a way to make things happen without the go-between *sigh*
Love, June

Dear Boys, 
I could really use a game right about now.
You know a "lose my voice, bruises on my legs" kind of game.
Love, Your biggest fan

Monday, August 05, 2013

3 Year Anniversary

I realized this afternoon that 3 years ago this past Saturday I moved here. I never imagined it would be that long. I had a year, tops, in mind. It doesn't really sound like a long time, 3 years, but when you stop and think about how much I really didn't want to move here, it seems like a life time. 

I still can't say that I enjoy it. Some days it is almost more than I can take. Whenever I come back from being up north, I get the urge to cry. I still don't really feel like I fit in, like a fish out of water. 

I can easily say the only reason I am still here is because Heavenly Father keeps telling me to stay and trust me when I say, I ask Him often if I can move on. So many times it would have been extremely easy to pack up and walk away. I don't always understand why I need to be here but I do know that it is right. (And when I get depressed I just think, "It's better than Blanding.")

Hopefully, it will not be another 3 years :)

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Whole Heart and Soul

People say Sunday's are a day of relaxation and reflection. False. Sundays are stressful. (Ok, not always, but with my current calling they are.)

Today did not start off so well. On top of the usual meetings before church, I woke up late, everything I touched broke, fell, stopped working, etc, I forgot I was supposed to give the spiritual thought in my meeting this morning. Not good. 

I wouldn't say I was in a bad mood necessarily, just a stressed one. I was grumbling a little in my head about having so much to do and not knowing how to help certain people in my ward and how the visiting teaching assignments I spent an hour on yesterday were already outdated and wrong, and its Fast Sunday so naturally I am get the picture.

However, one cannot sit through a meeting with my Bishopric without feeling uplifted and cheered. They are such great examples and leaders. They just put a smile on your face. I left the meeting feelings much better than when I went in.

Plus, I came home from church today to see a pin my sister had pinned on Pinterest that fit perfectly with what I learned today.

Love it.  

I always tell my students, "If you don't take the time to do it right, you will have to take the time to do it again."

This could pertain to a church calling or your current employment or your home life/situation. But whatever it is that you are doing, do it with everything you have. 

No matter what you are doing, do it with your whole heart and soul. 
Do it enthusiastically and do it happily.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday Wonderfuls #3

Last weekend my sister and I stayed with my best friend for a few days. 
What a weekend!!

 We filmed a commercial for UDOT. So much FUN!!

 We did baptisms at the Temple.

  We hiked the Wind Caves with my cousins family.

And had a Batman surprise party!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Because We Can See

The topic in Sacrament meeting today was obedience. One of the sisters that spoke used one of my favorite quotes of all time.

"We are not obedient because we are blind, we are obedient because we can see." 
(Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, May 1983)

I love this quote. Often times, I think people see the commandments and "rules" of the Gospel as holding them back. They don't let you "have fun" or are too restrictive. God just wants to control us and dictate what we can and cannot do.

Not so.

He gives us these commandments and "rules" because He loves us. As we live them, we see the blessings that come from doing so.

Sometimes they are direct blessings. You pay your tithing and somehow, miraculously have enough money to pay all the bills that month.

Sometimes they are indirect blessings. You don't see a specific outcome, but things just go better or you find the answer you were looking for  or maybe you don't see it at all until you look back and think, "Huh, that WAS a blessing..."

We know the desired outcome. We have been given the way to get there, but it is up to us to do it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dear Boys #20

Dear Johnny Cash,
If when we get married pink highlighters will be involved...
Love, June

Dear Captain, 
I am telling you...anyone but her!
Love, Mother

Hey! Hey! Good Lookin'
Not only are you REALLy attractive, but you smell HEAVENLY.
Love, Jess

Dear Middle Man, 
Yipee!! Good luck!!
Love, Hitch

Dear Shawn, 
Why has it been 4 months? That is awful. Just awful.
Love, Gus

Dear Pioneer Day, 
(Turns out when you don't work during the summer, you forget it's a holiday.)
Utah, people working together, Utah!
What a great place to be,
Blessed from Heaven above.
It's the land that we love.
Love, Jess

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dear Boys #19

Time to bring some Dear Boys lovin' back into my life.

Dear Elder, 
Jenn wants a glittery snake belt when you get home.
(Preferably for her and each of the girls.)
Love, Big Sis

Hey, Hey Good Lookin'
It's really hard to flirt with you when you are not around...
Although, when you are around, I have a hard time stringing together 3 words, let alone an entire sentence...
Love, Jess

Dear Ned Gold, 
We will continue to work on picking up on social cues next week.
Love, Jess

Dear Single Boys Everywhere, 
(This makes me laugh every time I see it on Pinterest...
probably because there is some truth to it...)

Love, Jess

PS- If anyone can catch the obscure movie reference in this post you get MAJOR brownie points!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dear Happiness,

Dear Happiness, 

This last week I found myself in one of those downward, self-pitying spirals. Things just could not go my way. I felt unsocial, crabby, and angry. 

Then I had an epiphany of sorts...but not really, because I already knew this, I had just forgotten in the moment.

No one make you unhappy but you. This is a choice, not a consequence. The things that I was using an excuse to be unhappy were just excuse. I didn't have to be unhappy. No one else really cared if I was happy or not. So why was I? 

Worrying about things in the past can't change anything. Worrying about things that really have nothing to do with me doesn't fix anything. Getting upset by something that you really don't care about only raises your blood pressure.

So, I decided to be happy.

Love, Jess