Sunday, January 08, 2012

The Gratitude Challenge

This was in the December 2011 issue of the Ensign and I really liked the way it broke being thankful for 100 things down.  I did it with my students this week as part of their writing assignment and they really enjoyed it.  It is harder than it looks though.  With everything that has happened the last 6 weeks, I have A LOT to be grateful for, especially things I normally wouldn't think of or would take for granted.

Write 10 physical abilities you are grateful for.
talking, walking, exercising, sitting, sleeping, writing, cooking, eating, driving, typing

Write 10 material possessions you are grateful for.
car, blanket, chair, laptop, phone, scriptures, camera, ipod, books, scrapbooks

Write 10 living people you are grateful for.
Mom, Dad, Marcus, Katie, Jessi, Holly, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Karen, Sharon, Lane

Write 10 deceased people you are grateful for.
Jesus Christ, Grandma Karen, Grandpa Mark, Pres. Hinckley, Joseph Smith, Dave and Blanche Johnson, Brigham Young, Parley Pratt, Grandma-with-the-animals

Write 10 things about nature you are grateful for.
rain, snow, trees, flowers, birds, camping, fishing, hunting, thunderstorms, sunshine

Write 10 things about today you are grateful for.
job, students, co-workers and other staff, the gym,  alarm clock, recess, time to read,  good friends that listen, humidifier,  ibuprofen

Write 10 places on earth you are grateful for.
my apartment, home, Provost, Utah State, Logan, Disneyland, Fish Lake, Temple, grandpa's house, grandma's house

Write 10 modern inventions you are grateful for.
cell phone, laptop, cars, washer and dryer, dishwasher, electricity, running water (that is
clean), indoor plumbing, medicine that works,  insurance

Write 10 foods you are grateful for.
chocolate, cheese, peanut butter, bread, milk, water, apples, bananas, cereal, wheat thins

Write 10 things about the gospel you are grateful for.
Atonement, sacrament, tithing, music, scriptures, family history work, temple, patriarchal blessing, priesthood, forgiveness

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