Friday, November 06, 2015

Women in the Church: Part 1

My name is Jessica. I am daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, and a niece. I am a teacher, a friend, and a neighbor. 

I have faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ, and of His Atonement for me. I have faith in the Plan of Salvation, and the personal plan Heavenly Father has for me. I have faith in the Book of Mormon, its origin, and its teachings. I have faith that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, that he talked with them face to face, that they called him by name, and that the Father bore witness of His Son. I have faith in our latter-day prophets and apostles and their ability to communicate Heavenly Fathers will for the Church and its people. 

I know that I have inherited divine qualities as a spirt daughter of God. I have a purpose on this earth, a mission that is unique to me, that only I can fulfill. I will continue to work towards becoming more like my Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. I will use that divine nature to become the person they want me to be. 

I have individual worth in the eyes of my Father. I am known to Him personally. He hears my prayers and answers them. He loves me more than I can comprehend. I am of infinite worth to Him. 

I know that I have come to this earth to gain knowledge. I am here to learn and to grow. It is my responsibility to gain knowledge, and to pursue an education, both spiritually and temporally. The knowledge I gain in this life will be used in the next. I know that we are to “seek…diligently and teach one another words of wisdom…even by study and also by faith.” (D&C 88:118)

I know that I have free moral agency. I have choice. I can choose good over evil. I know that I do not have the right to choose the consequences for those actions. It is my responsibility to accept what may come because of the choices I make. I also know that all people, regardless of religious beliefs, race, gender, or culture have this same right to choose. 

I know it is my responsibility to serve others. I have covenanted with my Father to mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and help bear others burdens. I will build the kingdom of God through righteous service. 

I will have the courage to stand for what I know is right. I will “stand as a witness of God at all times, and in all things and in all places.” I will make my actions consistent with what I know is right and what my Father in Heaven wants me to do. 

I know that a virtuous woman is priced “far above rubies.” I will keep myself temple worthy, make choices that keep me clean and pure. I will base my thoughts and actions on high moral standards. I will live as an example to others, helping them live virtuous lives. 

My name is Jessica and I am a daughter of God. 

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